Backed By Research

Ingredient Name: Red Marine Algae

Included in: Digestive HP 

Purpose: To increase gastric and hindgut pH to reduce the risk of gastric ulcers and hindgut acidosis. This will assist in maintaining overall gut health and calmer, safer behavior.

Scientific Research Articles: 
68  Effect of a marine-sourced calcium on fecal pH in horses 
The effect of a natural-source mineral supplement on gastric ulceration in horses 
The influence of feeding a high calcium, algae supplement on gastric ulceration in adult horses 
The Effect of a Seaweed-Derived Calcium Supplement on Gastric Juice pH in the Horse 
Dietary-induced modulation of the hindgut microbiota is related to behavioral responses during stressful events in horses


Ingredient: Magnesium Hydroxide

Included in: Digestive HP and Stress Paste

Purpose: Strong acid-buffering agent to assist in maintaining a normal stomach pH and normal stomach health. This buffering agent is chosen to increase the pH of the stomach digesta and reduce the risk of 'acid burn' induced squamous gastric ulceration, especially while horses are under stressful situations such as travel or competition.

Scientific Research Articles:
European College of Equine Internal Medicine Consensus Statement - Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome in Adult Horses
Effect of aluminum hydroxide/magnesium hydroxide antacid and bismuth subsalicylate on gastric pH in horses 

Efficacy of a Combination of a Unique Pectin-Lecithin Complex (Apolectol®), Live Yeast and Magnesium Hydroxide in the Prevention of EGUS and Faecal Acidosis in Thoroughbred Racehorses: A Randomised, Blinded, Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial


Ingredient: Magnesium Oxide

Included in: Digestive HP 

Purpose: Balances the calcium to magnesium ratio to ensure proper absorption and metabolism of magnesium.

Scientific Research Articles:
Calcium-Sensing Receptor and Magnesium 
Calcium to Magnesium Ratio Higher Than Optimal Across Age Groups (P10-100-19)


Ingredient: Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Prebiotic & Postbiotic

Included in: Digestive HP and Stress Paste

Purpose: To support the hindgut microbial populations and reduce the negative impact of diet or stress on the hindgut bacteria and reduce the risk of stress or diet induced dysbiosis. To increase digestion of fibre, and to reduce inflammation and reduce the negative effects of exercise. 

Scientific Research Articles:
Effect of a preparation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on microbial profiles and fermentation patterns in the large intestine of horses fed a high fiber or a high starch diet
Effect of transportation on fecal bacterial communities and fermentative activities in horses: Impact of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-1077 supplementation 
Effect of Yeast Culture Supplementation on Digestibility of varying quality Forage in Mature Horses 
Dietary supplementation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product attenuates exercise-induced stress markers in young horses 
Responses to an intra-articular lipopolysaccharide challenge following dietary supplementation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product in young horses


Ingredient: Carbohydrase Enzymes

Included in: Digestive HP 

Purpose: To assist with small intestinal starch digestion, as increasing small intestinal starch digestion has the beneficial flow on effect of reducing starch flow into the hindgut. This helps to prevent hindgut microbial dysbiosis caused by the rapid fermentation of starch in the hindgut.

Scientific Research Articles: 
Visualization of the Anticaging Effect of Ronozyme WX Xylanase on Wheat Substrates 
Exogenous fibrolytic enzymes improve carbohydrate digestion in exercising horses 
Changes of the hindgut microbiota due to high-starch diet can be associated with behavioral stress response in horses 
Examination of the use of exogenous α-amylase and amyloglucosidase to enhance starch digestion in the small intestine of the horse 
Activity of amylase in the gastrointestinal tract of the horse


Ingredient: Phytase Enzyme

Included in: Digestive HP

Purpose: To break down phytate and prevent it from binding to and reducing the absorption of calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc and various amino acids.

Scientific Research Articles:
Phytase in non-ruminant animal nutrition: a critical review on phytase activities in the gastrointestinal tract and influencing factors 
The apparent digestibility of phytate phosphorus and the influence of supplemental Phytase in horses


Ingredient: Toxin Binder

Included in: Digestive HP 

Purpose: To bind and /or deactivate harmful mycotoxins that commonly contaminate feedstuffs for horses or that commonly coexist with pastures like ryegrass and fescue and have a negative impact on horse health and behavior.

Scientific Research Articles:
Mycotoxins in horse feed 
Mycotoxin and Gut Microbiota Interactions 
Clinical expression of lolitrem B (perennial ryegrass) intoxication in horses 
Mycotoxin: Its Impact on Gut Health and Microbiota 
The intestinal barrier as an emerging target in the toxicological assessment of mycotoxins 
Changes in intestinal barrier functions and gut microbiota in rats exposed to zearalenone 
Impact of mycotoxins on the intestine: are mucus and microbiota new targets? 
Mycotoxin Contamination Management Tools and Efficient Strategies in Feed Industry


Ingredient: Threonine

Included in: Digestive HP and Stress Paste

Purpose: An essential amino acid required for maintenance of gut lining integrity and protective mucous production.

Scientific Research Articles:
Specific roles of threonine in intestinal mucosal integrity and barrier function 
Physiological Effects of Dietary Amino Acids on Gut Health and Functions of Swine 
Dietary threonine restriction specifically reduces intestinal mucin synthesis in rats


Ingredient: Glutamine

Included in: Digestive HP and Stress Paste

Purpose: A conditionally essentially amino acid during periods of stress and disease. Major fuel for the small intestinal mucosa, supports normal villi, assists in maintaining normal intestinal barrier function.

Scientific Research Articles:
Physiological Effects of Dietary Amino Acids on Gut Health and Functions of Swine 
Plasma glutamine concentrations in the horse following feeding and oral glutamine supplementation 

Role of Glutamine in Protection of Intestinal Epithelial Tight Junctions 
Effects of phenylbutazone, indomethacin, prostaglandin E2, butyrate, and glutamine on restitution of oxidant-injured right dorsal colon of horses in vitro
Alterations in Intestinal Permeability: The Role of the “Leaky Gut” in Health and Disease


Ingredient: Proline

Included in: Digestive HP and Stress Paste

Purpose: Support normal production of mucin in the gut to maintain natural protection of the gut mucosal surface. Proline is a conditionally essential amino acid that is also found in large amounts in mucin proteins (around 13% of the amino acids).

Scientific Research Articles:
Specific amino acids increase mucin synthesis and microbiota in dextran sulfate sodium-treated rats 


Ingredient: Serine

Included in: Digestive HP and Stress Paste

Purpose: Support normal production of mucin in the gut to maintain natural protection of the gut mucosal surface. Mucins are also rich in Serine and research in other animals species shows that supplementation increases mucin synthesis.

Scientific Research Articles:
Specific amino acids increase mucin synthesis and microbiota in dextran sulfate sodium-treated rats 
Mucins in Intestinal Mucosal Defense and Inflammation: Learning From Clinical and Experimental Studies


Ingredient: Leucine

Included in: Digestive HP and Stress Paste

Purpose: Research in other species has shown that leucine supports intestinal development, promotes cell proliferation and has a role in mucin production.

Scientific Research Articles: 
Roles of amino acids in preventing and treating intestinal diseases: recent studies with pig models 
Amino Acids in Nutrition and Health 

Dietary Leucine Supplementation Improves the Mucin Production in the Jejunal Mucosa of the Weaned Pigs Challenged by Porcine Rotavirus


Ingredient: Vitamin C

Included in: Stress Paste

Purpose: While horses are able to synthesize their own Vitamin C, research has shown that stress reduces production and suggests supplementation may be beneficial.

Scientific Research Articles:
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) status in Icelandic horses in Iceland 
Supplementation of Ascorbic Acid in Weanling Horses Following Prolonged Transportation


Ingredient: Betaine

Included in: Stress Paste

Purpose: An osmolyte, used to allow cells to maintain their own individual hydration under heat stress situations. Also used to support the gut during heat stress or competition in hot conditions.

Scientific Research Articles:
Heat stress in livestock—The role of the gut in its aetiology and a potential role for betaine in its alleviation 
Potential nutritional strategies for the amelioration or prevention of high rigor temperature in cattle – a review 
Dietary Betaine Impacts the Physiological Responses to Moderate Heat Conditions in a Dose Dependent Manner in Sheep


Ingredient: Natural Vitamin E 500

Included in: Stress Paste

Purpose: Antioxidant to provide protection against oxidative stress during stress and competition and to support normal immune function in horses being challenged by disease.

Scientific Research Articles: 
A Comparative Review of Vitamin E and Associated Equine Disorders


Ingredient: Citrus Pectin

Included in: Stress Paste

Purpose: Designed to assist the magnesium hydroxide in buffering and protecting the stomach lining from acid burn. The pectin mixed with magnesium hydroxide forms an 'alkaline slime' that will coat the stomach lining and protect it from the stomachs natural hydrochloric acid.

Scientific Research Articles: 
Efficacy of a Combination of a Unique Pectin-Lecithin Complex (Apolectol®), Live Yeast and Magnesium Hydroxide in the Prevention of EGUS and Faecal Acidosis in Thoroughbred Racehorses: A Randomized, Blinded, Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial  
Characterizing effects of feed restriction and glucagon-like peptide 2 administration on biomarkers of inflammation and intestinal morphology 
Mucus barrier, mucins and gut microbiota: the expected slimy partners?


Ingredient: B Vitamins 

Included in: Stress Paste

Purpose: Muscle energy generation, metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, maintenance of normal muscle and nerve function, maintenance of normal appetite, maintenance of healthy skin, coat and hooves.

Scientific Research Articles: 
An Overview of Vitamin Requirements of the Domestic Horse


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